Raft 笔记(五) – Log replication

Log compaction

basic 中只提到了 log replication,但是随着时间的推移,log 越来越多,会对可用性造成影响:

  • 耗尽磁盘空间;
  • 重启或新加入的节点需要很长时间来恢复数据。

需要通过 snapshot 来清理 log:

  • 把状态机的当前状态写入 snapshot 中,然后清理相应的 log。同时需要记录 snapshot 中最后一个 entry 的 index 和 term 用于 AppendEntries 的 check 和 snapshot 与 log 的比较。 image

当增加了 snapshot 之后,发送 log 的过程如下:

  1. leadernext 记录了需要发送给 follower 的下一个 entry;
  2. next 仍在 log 中,则发送后续的 entries
  3. nextsnapshot 中,则发送 snapshot,发送成功后,再发送后续的 entries
  4. follower 收到 snapshot 时,如果 logsnapshot 有冲突或者 snapshotlog 新,则丢弃全部 log,应用 snapshot

每个节点独立的选择何时做 snapshot,而不是由 leader 统一发起 snapshot

  • snapshot 只清理 committed log,每个节点有能力独立的做 snapshot,不会带来一致性问题;
  • 如果由 leadersnapshot 然后发送给其他节点,会浪费网络带宽;
  • 每个节点的配置和状态可能不同,可以独立选择合适的时机做 snapshot


Raft 只保证 log 的一致性,如何存储 log 和如何做 snapshot 由状态机负责,需要把存储从 Raft 中解耦出来:

  • etcd/raft 抽象出 Storage 接口由用户实现,Storage 提供了查询持久存储的接口:
    // Storage is an interface that may be implemented by the application
    // to retrieve log entries from storage.
    // If any Storage method returns an error, the raft instance will
    // become inoperable and refuse to participate in elections; the
    // application is responsible for cleanup and recovery in this case.
    type Storage interface {
      // InitialState returns the saved HardState and ConfState information.
      InitialState() (pb.HardState, pb.ConfState, error)
      // Entries returns a slice of log entries in the range [lo,hi).
      // MaxSize limits the total size of the log entries returned, but
      // Entries returns at least one entry if any.
      Entries(lo, hi, maxSize uint64) ([]pb.Entry, error)
      // Term returns the term of entry i, which must be in the range
      // [FirstIndex()-1, LastIndex()]. The term of the entry before
      // FirstIndex is retained for matching purposes even though the
      // rest of that entry may not be available.
      Term(i uint64) (uint64, error)
      // LastIndex returns the index of the last entry in the log.
      LastIndex() (uint64, error)
      // FirstIndex returns the index of the first log entry that is
      // possibly available via Entries (older entries have been incorporated
      // into the latest Snapshot; if storage only contains the dummy entry the
      // first log entry is not available).
      FirstIndex() (uint64, error)
      // Snapshot returns the most recent snapshot.
      // If snapshot is temporarily unavailable, it should return ErrSnapshotTemporarilyUnavailable,
      // so raft state machine could know that Storage needs some time to prepare
      Snapshot() (pb.Snapshot, error)
  • unstable 管理非持久存储(内存),节点收到 logsnapshot 先存放在 unstable 中,然后通过 Ready 返回给用户,用户处理完成后调用 node.Advance() 通知 raft 进行清理:
    // unstable.entries[i] has raft log position i+unstable.offset.
    // Note that unstable.offset may be less than the highest log
    // position in storage; this means that the next write to storage
    // might need to truncate the log before persisting unstable.entries.
    type unstable struct {
      // the incoming unstable snapshot, if any.
      snapshot *pb.Snapshot
      // all entries that have not yet been written to storage.
      entries []pb.Entry
      offset uint64
      logger Logger
  • Storageunstable 构成 raftLog 结构管理整个存储:
    type raftLog struct {
      // storage contains all stable entries since the last snapshot.
      storage Storage
      // unstable contains all unstable entries and snapshot.
      // they will be saved into storage.
      unstable unstable
      // committed is the highest log position that is known to be in
      // stable storage on a quorum of nodes.
      committed uint64
      // applied is the highest log position that the application has
      // been instructed to apply to its state machine.
      // Invariant: applied <= committed
      applied uint64
      logger Logger


etcd/raft 使用 Progress 结构管理每个节点的状态与进度,同时还有流控的功能,参考 progress 文档

// Progress represents a follower’s progress in the view of the leader. Leader maintains
// progresses of all followers, and sends entries to the follower based on its progress.
type Progress struct {
	Match, Next uint64
	// State defines how the leader should interact with the follower.
	// When in ProgressStateProbe, leader sends at most one replication message
	// per heartbeat interval. It also probes actual progress of the follower.
	// When in ProgressStateReplicate, leader optimistically increases next
	// to the latest entry sent after sending replication message. This is
	// an optimized state for fast replicating log entries to the follower.
	// When in ProgressStateSnapshot, leader should have sent out snapshot
	// before and stops sending any replication message.
	State ProgressStateType

	// Paused is used in ProgressStateProbe.
	// When Paused is true, raft should pause sending replication message to this peer.
	Paused bool
	// PendingSnapshot is used in ProgressStateSnapshot.
	// If there is a pending snapshot, the pendingSnapshot will be set to the
	// index of the snapshot. If pendingSnapshot is set, the replication process of
	// this Progress will be paused. raft will not resend snapshot until the pending one
	// is reported to be failed.
	PendingSnapshot uint64

	// RecentActive is true if the progress is recently active. Receiving any messages
	// from the corresponding follower indicates the progress is active.
	// RecentActive can be reset to false after an election timeout.
	RecentActive bool

	// inflights is a sliding window for the inflight messages.
	// Each inflight message contains one or more log entries.
	// The max number of entries per message is defined in raft config as MaxSizePerMsg.
	// Thus inflight effectively limits both the number of inflight messages
	// and the bandwidth each Progress can use.
	// When inflights is full, no more message should be sent.
	// When a leader sends out a message, the index of the last
	// entry should be added to inflights. The index MUST be added
	// into inflights in order.
	// When a leader receives a reply, the previous inflights should
	// be freed by calling inflights.freeTo with the index of the last
	// received entry.
	ins *inflights

	// IsLearner is true if this progress is tracked for a learner.
	IsLearner bool

每个 follower 会处于下面三种状态之一,状态转换如下图:

  • Probe: leader 不知道该节点的 log 情况,需要找到匹配的 log entry。发生在新选举出的 leaderAppendEntries 冲突时;
  • Replicate: 正常复制状态;
  • Snapshot: 该节点比较落后,需要发送 snapshot
                              |                  send snapshot                         |          
                              |                                                        |          
                    +---------+----------+                                  +----------v---------+
                +--->       probe        |                                  |      snapshot      |
                |   |  max inflight = 1  <----------------------------------+  max inflight = 0  |
                |   +---------+----------+                                  +--------------------+
                |             |            1. snapshot success                                    
                |             |               (next=snapshot.index + 1)                           
                |             |            2. snapshot failure                                    
                |             |               (no change)                                         
                |             |            3. receives msgAppResp(rej=false&&index>lastsnap.index)
                |             |               (match=m.index,next=match+1)                        
    receives msgAppResp(rej=true)                                                                   
    (next=match+1)|             |                                                                   
                |             |                                                                   
                |             |                                                                   
                |             |   receives msgAppResp(rej=false&&index>match)                     
                |             |   (match=m.index,next=match+1)                                    
                |             |                                                                   
                |             |                                                                   
                |             |                                                                   
                |   +---------v----------+                                                        
                |   |     replicate      |                                                        
                +---+  max inflight = n  |                                                        


新选举出的 leader 设置每个节点为 Probe 状态、match = 0next = last index + 1:

r.forEachProgress(func(id uint64, pr *Progress) {
    *pr = Progress{Next: r.raftLog.lastIndex() + 1, ins: newInflights(r.maxInflight), IsLearner: pr.IsLearner}
    if id == r.id {
        pr.Match = r.raftLog.lastIndex()

并且会添加一个当前 term 的空 entry,立即发送 msgApp 给所有节点,有两个作用:

  • 为了提交之前 termlog entriesRaft 只会提交当前 termlog,若之后一直没新请求,则之前 term 未提交的 log 一直不会提交。
  • 更新 leadercommitted indexRaft 按照 log 新旧来选举,而不是 committed index,所以新选举出的 leadercommitted index 可能会落后,影响一致性。

leadermsgApp 中设置上一条 entrytermindex 用于 follower 匹配,当发生冲突时,follower 返回的 MsgAppResp 会携带冲突的 index 和自己的 last index(跳过不存在的 log):

r.send(pb.Message{To: m.From, Type: pb.MsgAppResp, Index: m.Index, Reject: true, RejectHint: r.raftLog.lastIndex()})

对于 Probe 状态的冲突,采用的是每次回退一条的策略:next = min(rejected, peerLastIndex + 1),因为在生产环境中,发生错误的频率很低,且不一致的 log 很少。

follower 接受 msgApp 时,变为 Replicate 状态,进行正常的 log replication;当 next 落入 snapshot 中,会变为 Snapshot 状态,发送 Snapshot


Probe 状态的节点接受 msgApp 时,变为 Replicate 状态。对于 Replicate 状态的节点,leader 采用 pipeline 方式发送 msgApp,直接增加 next,不用等到接收响应。 follower 在消息中返回新添加的 entrieslast index,用于 leader 更新节点的 match

节点有可能收到与当前 log 冲突的 msgApp,需要进行 truncateunstable 中只保存未写入持久存储的 logunstable.offset 之前的 log 都已经写入持久存储。当 log 发生冲突时:

  • 若只在 unstable 中,只是 truncate 内存中的 slice
  • 若在持久存储中,会重置 unstable.offsetunstable.entries,然后在 Ready 中返回,由用户 truncate
    // ents 为需要 append 的 entries
    func (u *unstable) truncateAndAppend(ents []pb.Entry) {
      after := ents[0].Index
      switch {
      case after == u.offset+uint64(len(u.entries)):
          // after is the next index in the u.entries
          // directly append
          u.entries = append(u.entries, ents...)
      case after <= u.offset:
          u.logger.Infof("replace the unstable entries from index %d", after)
          // The log is being truncated to before our current offset
          // portion, so set the offset and replace the entries
          u.offset = after
          u.entries = ents
          // truncate to after and copy to u.entries
          // then append
          u.logger.Infof("truncate the unstable entries before index %d", after)
          u.entries = append([]pb.Entry{}, u.slice(u.offset, after)...)
          u.entries = append(u.entries, ents...)

majority 的节点接收了 log 时就会 commit:

// maybeCommit attempts to advance the commit index. Returns true if
// the commit index changed (in which case the caller should call
// r.bcastAppend).
func (r *raft) maybeCommit() bool {
	// TODO(bmizerany): optimize.. Currently naive
	mis := make(uint64Slice, 0, len(r.prs))
	for _, p := range r.prs {
		mis = append(mis, p.Match)
	mci := mis[r.quorum()-1]
	return r.raftLog.maybeCommit(mci, r.Term)

committed entries 同样通过 Ready 返回给用户。Node.Advance() 会更新 applied


Probe 状态的节点的 next 落在 snapshot 中,变为 Snapshot 状态。leader 发送的 snapshot 中包含最后一条 entryindexterm,用于 follower 判断 snapshot 新旧。 follower 不会拒绝 snapshot,返回 msgAppResp,用于 leader 更新 matchnext:

func (r *raft) handleSnapshot(m pb.Message) {
	sindex, sterm := m.Snapshot.Metadata.Index, m.Snapshot.Metadata.Term
	if r.restore(m.Snapshot) {
		r.logger.Infof("%x [commit: %d] restored snapshot [index: %d, term: %d]",
			r.id, r.raftLog.committed, sindex, sterm)
		r.send(pb.Message{To: m.From, Type: pb.MsgAppResp, Index: r.raftLog.lastIndex()})
	} else {
		r.logger.Infof("%x [commit: %d] ignored snapshot [index: %d, term: %d]",
			r.id, r.raftLog.committed, sindex, sterm)
		r.send(pb.Message{To: m.From, Type: pb.MsgAppResp, Index: r.raftLog.committed})

对于不同新旧的 snapshot 处理方式不同:

  • 忽略旧的 snapshot:
    if s.Metadata.Index <= r.raftLog.committed {
      return false
  • 与自己 log 匹配的 snapshot,更新 commited index。这里与 raft 论文介绍的不同,raft 论文里会保存 snapshot,然后删除对应的 log,这里只更新 committed indexsnapshot 还是由 状态机自己执行:
    if r.raftLog.matchTerm(s.Metadata.Index, s.Metadata.Term) {
      r.logger.Infof("%x [commit: %d, lastindex: %d, lastterm: %d] fast-forwarded commit to snapshot [index: %d, term: %d]",
          r.id, r.raftLog.committed, r.raftLog.lastIndex(), r.raftLog.lastTerm(), s.Metadata.Index, s.Metadata.Term)
      return false
  • 其余的 snapshot 要么比自己新、要么有冲突,删除 unstable 中所有的 log,更新 committed index,然后在 Ready 中返回,由用户清理持久存储中的 logsnapshot,存储新的 snapshot, 并将 snapshot 应用到状态机。
    func (l *raftLog) restore(s pb.Snapshot) {
      l.logger.Infof("log [%s] starts to restore snapshot [index: %d, term: %d]", l, s.Metadata.Index, s.Metadata.Term)
      l.committed = s.Metadata.Index

Snapshot 状态之后会变为 Probe 状态,有两种方式:

  • 接收到节点的 msgAppResp
  • 用户在发送完 snapshot 后调用 Node.ReportSnapshot(),告诉 leader 发送情况:
    • 发送成功后,更新 nextsnapshotlast index + 1;
    • 发送失败,恢复到原来的 Probe 状态,之后会重新发送 snapshot
      func stepLeader(r *raft, m pb.Message) error {
      // ...
        case pb.MsgSnapStatus:
        if pr.State != ProgressStateSnapshot {
            return nil
        if !m.Reject {
            r.logger.Debugf("%x snapshot succeeded, resumed sending replication messages to %x [%s]", r.id, m.From, pr)
        } else {
            r.logger.Debugf("%x snapshot failed, resumed sending replication messages to %x [%s]", r.id, m.From, pr)
        // If snapshot finish, wait for the msgAppResp from the remote node before sending
        // out the next msgApp.
        // If snapshot failure, wait for a heartbeat interval before next try
      // ...

snapshot 发送的代价较大:

  • 应避免频繁发送 snapshotProgress 限制了每次只有 1 个正在发送的 snapshot,只有当发送成功或调用 Node.ReportSnapshot() 发送失败后, 变为 Probe 状态,才有可能发送下一个 snapshot
  • etcd/raftsnapshot 放在单条 msg 中,一般 RPC 都对消息大小有限制,可以分为多个 RPC 并带上 offset,或者拆分为多个 chunk 来发送。


Progress 还有流控的功能:限制发送给 Replication 状态节点消息的数量,而 Config.MaxSizePerMsg 限制了每条消息的大小。流控是必要的,如果发生网络分区,leader 可能会累积很多消息, 当网络恢复,会一下发送很多消息给 follower,可能造成消息丢弃或重传。通过配置 inflights 的大小,可以避免溢出 transportation layer 的发送缓冲区:

  • 每次发送 msgApp,会记录消息的 last index:
  • 当收到 msgAppResp 时,释放之前消息占用的空间:
  • pr.ins.full() 时,会暂停发送。

msgApp 发送的时机

  • 正常工作的流程比较简单(Replicate 状态):
    1. 每次调用 Node.Propose() 时,leader 给所有节点发送 msgApp 复制 entry;(pipeline)
    2. 在更新 committed index 时,leader 给所有节点发送 msgApp 更新 committed index
  • 对于处于 Probe 状态的节点,采用串行的方式,只有收到上一条消息的响应后,才会发送新的 msgApp,因为需要 msgAppResp 来更新 next
  • 对于处于 Snapshot 状态的节点,不会发送 msgApp
    // IsPaused returns whether sending log entries to this node has been
    // paused. A node may be paused because it has rejected recent
    // MsgApps, is currently waiting for a snapshot, or has reached the
    // MaxInflightMsgs limit.
    func (pr *Progress) IsPaused() bool {
      switch pr.State {
      case ProgressStateProbe:
          return pr.Paused
      case ProgressStateReplicate:
          return pr.ins.full()
      case ProgressStateSnapshot:
          return true
          panic("unexpected state")

但是消息有可能发送超时或失败,或者节点落后较多需要发送多条 msgApp,这里在收到 MsgHeartbeatResp 时会给落后的节点发送 msgApp,相当于定时给落后的节点发消息:

if pr.Match < r.raftLog.lastIndex() {


一次请求 Raft 需要做如下流程:

  1. leader 收到 client 的请求;
  2. leaderentry 写入持久存储;
  3. leader 发送 replication messagefollower
  4. follower 接收之后,把 entry 写入持久存储,然后给 leader 发送响应;
  5. leader 等待 follower 的响应,若 majority 节点接收了,则 apply
  6. leader 将结果返回给 client



Batch 是等待 request 到达一定数量或者等待超时再进行处理,能够充分利用 I/Oetcd/raft 支持 Batch,分为2个方面:

  • 网络:在一条 msgApp 中附加多个 log entries(大小在 Config.MaxSizePerMsg 范围内);
  • 磁盘:Node.Ready() 返回自上次调用时累积的所有 entry

Batch 具体的执行还是要由用户负责:

  • 何时调用 Node.Ready()Node.Advance()
  • 何时发送 message

需要对 batch size 和超时时间进行权衡,如果一直达不到 batch size 就会等到超时才发送,latency 就会很高。


pipeline 指的是 leaderfollower 发送完 msgApp 立刻更新 next,不用等到 follower 返回响应就可以发送下一个 msgApp。在网络正常的时候, 消息按序到达,pipeline 能够极大的提高吞吐量。虽然单个 TCP 连接能够提供可靠的消息传递,但是 etcd/raft 是一个通用的库,不能依赖客户的实现, 即使使用单个 TCP 连接,节点仍有可能收到乱序的、过时的消息,比如当发送超时后新建了连接,然后目标节点收到了之前连接发送的消息。所以 Raft 需要处理2个问题:

  • 乱序到达的消息;
  • 过时的消息。

etcd/raft 在给 Replication 状态的节点发送 msgApp 后,会直接更新 next:

// sendAppend sends RPC, with entries to the given peer.
func (r *raft) sendAppend(to uint64) {
// ...
        switch pr.State {
        // optimistically increase the next when in ProgressStateReplicate
        case ProgressStateReplicate:
            last := m.Entries[n-1].Index
// ...

func (pr *Progress) optimisticUpdate(n uint64) { pr.Next = n + 1 }

在正常情况下,消息顺序到达,follower 就接收 log entries 然后返回给 leader 响应更新 matchcommitted index。乱序到达时,AppendEntries RPCcheck 就会 失败,follower 返回拒绝消息给 leader,节点会变为 Probe 状态,更新 next = match + 1:

func (pr *Progress) maybeDecrTo(rejected, last uint64) bool {
	if pr.State == ProgressStateReplicate {
		// the rejection must be stale if the progress has matched and "rejected"
		// is smaller than "match".
		if rejected <= pr.Match {
			return false
		// directly decrease next to match + 1
		pr.Next = pr.Match + 1
		return true
// ...

虽然通过消息的 term 能够过滤掉大部分过时的消息,但节点有可能收到过时和重复的消息,需要处理:

  • follower: 收到过时或重复的 msgAppsnapshot 时,返回 msgAppRespleader 更新状态。不能忽略,可能是因为之前的 msgAppResp 发送失败。
  • leader: 只会处理新的消息。



  • leaderentry 写入持久存储和给 follower 发送消息可以并行,这不影响提交 entry,只要复制到 majority 就会提交,即使 leader 还没有写入。但是 follower 必须 先写入持久存储,再返回响应。 image
  • 当然把 log 应用到状态机和发送给客户端响应也可以在另一个线程来执行,与 Raft 的操作并行。

虽然 client 的一次 request 仍要走完上述所有流程,但对多个 clients 而言,并发和吞吐量上升了。


除了 logsnapshotRaft 还有一些状态需要持久化,在节点重启时恢复:

  • currentTerm: term 要保持递增,否则 log 会有冲突;
  • votedFor: 配合 currentTerm 防止重启时给多个节点投票。

committed indexapply 可以不持久化,启动时设置为 0,接收到其他节点消息时更新 committed indexlog 回放时更新 apply

etcd/raft 返回的 Ready 结构体包含3部分需要持久化: EntriesHardStateSnapshot。在把 HardState 写入持久存储之后才可以发送 message,否则有可能在同一 term 给多个节点投票。

type HardState struct {
	Term             uint64 `protobuf:"varint,1,opt,name=term" json:"term"`
	Vote             uint64 `protobuf:"varint,2,opt,name=vote" json:"vote"`
	Commit           uint64 `protobuf:"varint,3,opt,name=commit" json:"commit"`
	XXX_unrecognized []byte `json:"-"`

committed index 也会恢复,可以在不接收到其他节点消息时就进行 log 回放,要注意避免重复应用 log,可以通过 Config.Applied 恢复 apply, 不过 Ready 中只会返回存在的 log,若 snapshot 对应的 log 已被删除,也不会重复应用。

etcd/raft 建议按照 EntriesHardStateSnapshot 的顺序持久化,否则有可能重启节点失败。因为 etcd/raft 要求 committed index[snapshot_last_index, log_last_index] 范围内,若 持久化 HardState 后,节点崩溃,有可能造成 committed index 不在范围内,需要修复才能启动:

func (r *raft) loadState(state pb.HardState) {
	if state.Commit < r.raftLog.committed || state.Commit > r.raftLog.lastIndex() {
		r.logger.Panicf("%x state.commit %d is out of range [%d, %d]", r.id, state.Commit, r.raftLog.committed, r.raftLog.lastIndex())
	r.raftLog.committed = state.Commit
	r.Term = state.Term
	r.Vote = state.Vote

在重启节点前,用户需要恢复 storageraft 会根据 storage 恢复状态,包含状态机状态、logHardstate、集群信息等:

storage := raft.NewMemoryStorage()

// Recover the in-memory storage from persistent snapshot, state and entries.

c := &Config{
    ID:              0x01,
    ElectionTick:    10,
    HeartbeatTick:   1,
    Storage:         storage,
    MaxSizePerMsg:   4096,
    MaxInflightMsgs: 256,

// Restart raft without peer information.
// Peer information is already included in the storage.
n := raft.RestartNode(c)


  • snapshot 发送成功或收到 followersnapshot 的响应时,此时已经知道了节点的 committed index,应该可以直接变为 Replicate 状态,为什么要变为 Probe 状态呢,虽然不影响结果。
  • 同样的,当 Replication 状态发生冲突时,更新的 next = match + 1,下一次也不会发生冲突,但还是会进入 Probe 状态。


