RocksDB 源码分析 – Write Batch

RocksDBLevelDB 相同,不支持并行写,原因有几个:

  1. memtable 可能不支持并行写。
  2. 单纯的并行写不能保证 WAL 和操作的执行顺序一致,要有同步机制。

一条条的写 WAL 性能、执行命令不高,所以 LevelDB/RocksDB 会把多个写操作合并由单个 leader 线程来执行,leader 执行完成后通知其他线程写操作完成。 LevelDB 的实现很简单,写操作添加到 deque 中,队首的 leader 合并其他写操作来执行,dequemutex 保护,通知由 cond var 实现。


RocksDB 的实现做了很多优化,用于提高性能。每个 Writer 会处于以下状态之一:


初始时,每个 Writer 都是 STATE_INITWriter 添加到队列中来竞争 leader:

  • Writer 实现为双向链表结点: Writer* link_older/link_newer
  • WriteThread 中维护原子变量的链表头,指向最新添加的 Writer: std::atomic<Writer*> newest_writer_
  • 采用 latch-free 方式将 Writer 添加到链表中。
    bool WriteThread::LinkOne(Writer* w, std::atomic<Writer*>* newest_writer) {
    assert(newest_writer != nullptr);
    assert(w->state == STATE_INIT);
    Writer* writers = newest_writer->load(std::memory_order_relaxed);
    while (true) {
      w->link_older = writers;
      if (newest_writer->compare_exchange_weak(writers, w)) {
        return (writers == nullptr);

第一个添加成功的,也就是添加时 newest_writer_nullptrWriter 成为 leader,设置状态为 STATE_GROUP_LEADER,其余的 Writer 等待 leader 通知状态变更。 leader 从链表中从后往前挑选 Writer 构成 WriteGroupWriteGroup 有大小限制,最大 1MB,防止构建耗时太多(EnterAsBatchGroupLeader()),之后合并 WriteBatch 写入 WAL、遍历 WriteGroup 写入 memtable, 最后通知其他 Writer 操作完成(ExitAsBatchGroupLeader())。


RocksDB 主要针对通知操作做了很多优化,因为发现从 FUTEX_WAKEFUTEX_WAIT 返回平均需要 10us,延迟太大,所以 RocksDB 尽量不使用 cond var 来通知状态变更:

For reference, on my 4.0 SELinux test server with support for syscall auditing enabled, the minimum latency between FUTEX_WAKE to returning from FUTEX_WAIT is 2.7 usec, and the average is more like 10 usec. That can be a big drag on RocksDB’s single-writer design.

每个 Writerstd::atomic<uint8_t> state 标记状态,也是通过它来检测状态变更。当 leader 执行完成后,会选出新的 leader 并设置 follower 的状态为 STATE_COMPLETED:

static WriteThread::AdaptationContext eabgl_ctx("ExitAsBatchGroupLeader");
void WriteThread::ExitAsBatchGroupLeader(WriteGroup& write_group,
                                         Status status) {
  Writer* leader = write_group.leader;
  Writer* last_writer = write_group.last_writer;
    Writer* head = newest_writer_.load(std::memory_order_acquire);
    if (head != last_writer ||
        !newest_writer_.compare_exchange_strong(head, nullptr)) {
      assert(head != last_writer);

      assert(last_writer->link_newer->link_older == last_writer);
      last_writer->link_newer->link_older = nullptr;
      SetState(last_writer->link_newer, STATE_GROUP_LEADER); // 设置 WriteGroup 后一个 Writer 为 leader

    while (last_writer != leader) {
      last_writer->status = status;
      auto next = last_writer->link_older;
      SetState(last_writer, STATE_COMPLETED); // 设置 follower 完成
      last_writer = next;

leaderWriter 等待状态变更分为 3 个阶段(AwaitState()):

  1. Busy loop using "pause" for 1 micro sec
  2. Busy loop using "yield" for 100 micro sec (default)
  3. Blocking wait

1. Busy loop using “pause”

循环 pause 检测状态变更持续约 1us

  for (uint32_t tries = 0; tries < 200; ++tries) {
    state = w->state.load(std::memory_order_acquire);
    if ((state & goal_mask) != 0) {
      return state;

asm volatile("pause") 用于提高 spin-wait loop 的性能:

Improves the performance of spin-wait loops. When executing a “spin-wait loop,” a Pentium 4 or Intel Xeon processor suffers a severe performance penalty when exiting the loop because it detects a possible memory order violation. The PAUSE instruction provides a hint to the processor that the code sequence is a spin-wait loop. The processor uses this hint to avoid the memory order violation in most situations, which greatly improves processor performance. For this reason, it is recommended that a PAUSE instruction be placed in all spin-wait loops.

2. Busy loop using “yield”

如果等待时间很长或者有其他线程在竞争使用相同的核(involuntary context switch)时,就不适合使用 spin-loop,太消耗 CPU 资源而且利用率不高, 所以 RocksDB 又实现了灵活的 spin-loop,会在合适的时机跳出循环。

RocksDB 有如下配置:

  • allow_concurrent_memtable_write: 开启 yielding spin-loop,能够提高吞吐。
  • write_thread_max_yield_usec: yielding spin-loop 持续的最长时间,默认为 100us
  • write_thread_slow_yield_usec: 当 yield 调用耗时超过该值时,就认为有其他线程使用了相同的 CPU,默认为 3us,因为当没有其他线程在相同的核时,yield 就不会发生 context switch,耗时在 1us 内。

spin-loop 超过 write_thread_max_yield_usec 或者 yield 耗时大于 write_thread_slow_yield_usec 的次数达到 kMaxSlowYieldsWhileSpinning 次就会跳出循环 (固定 3 次,若是默认配置,则 3 次耗时 9us 就和使用 cond var 通知的平均耗时 10us 差不多):

      auto spin_begin = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
      size_t slow_yield_count = 0;

      auto iter_begin = spin_begin;
      while ((iter_begin - spin_begin) <=
             std::chrono::microseconds(max_yield_usec_)) {

        state = w->state.load(std::memory_order_acquire);
        if ((state & goal_mask) != 0) {
          would_spin_again = true;

        auto now = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
        if (now == iter_begin ||
            now - iter_begin >= std::chrono::microseconds(slow_yield_usec_)) {
          if (slow_yield_count >= kMaxSlowYieldsWhileSpinning) {
            update_ctx = true;
        iter_begin = now;

除了配置作为开关以外,还有动态的开关 yield_credit,只有该值大于等于 0 时或者 update_ctxtrue 时( 1/256 的概率),才会使用 yielding spin-loop:

  if (max_yield_usec_ > 0) {
    update_ctx = Random::GetTLSInstance()->OneIn(sampling_base);

    if (update_ctx || yield_credit.load(std::memory_order_relaxed) >= 0) {

yield_credit 初始值为 0,会根据 spin-loop 的结果动态调整:

  • 因慢 yield 跳出循环会减少。
  • 若(未)超时有 1/256 的概率(增加)减少,因为在理想情况下,成功的概率很高,若每次都成功都增加会导致 yield_credit 很大,少量的超时或者慢 yield 带来的衰减就微不足道了。
    if (update_ctx) {
      // Since our update is sample based, it is ok if a thread overwrites the
      // updates by other threads. Thus the update does not have to be atomic.
      auto v = yield_credit.load(std::memory_order_relaxed);
      // fixed point exponential decay with decay constant 1/1024, with +1
      // and -1 scaled to avoid overflow for int32_t
      // On each update the positive credit is decayed by a facor of 1/1024 (i.e.,
      // 0.1%). If the sampled yield was successful, the credit is also increased
      // by X. Setting X=2^17 ensures that the credit never exceeds
      // 2^17*2^10=2^27, which is lower than 2^31 the upperbound of int32_t. Same
      // logic applies to negative credits.
      v = v - (v / 1024) + (would_spin_again ? 1 : -1) * 131072;, std::memory_order_relaxed);

3. Blocking wait

最后阶段就是用 cond var 来通知,但 RocksDB 也做了很多优化:

// 等待
uint8_t WriteThread::BlockingAwaitState(Writer* w, uint8_t goal_mask) {

  auto state = w->state.load(std::memory_order_acquire);
  assert(state != STATE_LOCKED_WAITING);
  if ((state & goal_mask) == 0 &&
      w->state.compare_exchange_strong(state, STATE_LOCKED_WAITING)) { // write-release
    std::unique_lock<std::mutex> guard(w->StateMutex());
    w->StateCV().wait(guard, [w] {
      return w->state.load(std::memory_order_relaxed) != STATE_LOCKED_WAITING;
    state = w->state.load(std::memory_order_relaxed);
  assert((state & goal_mask) != 0);
  return state;

// 通知
void WriteThread::SetState(Writer* w, uint8_t new_state) {
  auto state = w->state.load(std::memory_order_acquire); // read-acquire
  if (state == STATE_LOCKED_WAITING ||
      !w->state.compare_exchange_strong(state, new_state)) { // read-acquire
    assert(state == STATE_LOCKED_WAITING);

    std::lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(w->StateMutex());
    assert(w->state.load(std::memory_order_relaxed) != new_state);
    w->, std::memory_order_relaxed);


  • mutexcond varlazy create 的,只有第一次使用 blocking wait 时才会创建,使用 aligned_storage 是为了避免动态内存分配:
    struct Writer {
      std::aligned_storage<sizeof(std::mutex)>::type state_mutex_bytes;
      std::aligned_storage<sizeof(std::condition_variable)>::type state_cv_bytes;
      void CreateMutex() {
        if (!made_waitable) {
          made_waitable = true;
          new (&state_mutex_bytes) std::mutex;
          new (&state_cv_bytes) std::condition_variable;
  • 通过设置 Writer 状态为 STATE_LOCKED_WAITING 保证了 leader 通知时 mutex + cond var 是已构造完成的,参看上面标记的 acquire/release
  • leader 只会设置 follower 状态为 goal statefollower 只会设置状态为 STATE_LOCKED_WAITING,所以 compare_exchange_strong 失败时可以采取适当的措施。
  • std::condition_variable::wait() 等价于 while (!pred()) wait(lock);,保证了即使 notify_one() 丢失也不会一直等待。


